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VALX Axle Hub Bolt

Performance strengths
? Cold heading process for all bolt series creates stable metal fibre flow, high strength and fatigue resistance ability.
? Specially treated surface creates stable friction coefficient that guarantees the powerful safety for wheel mounting.
 * Recommended hub nut tightening torque 670~730Nm. 

Model:H33-0318/H34-0318/H42-0401, Long type H33-0319/H34-0318/H42-0401

Technical Parameters Other
从化市| 常宁市| 格尔木市| 富阳市| 麻阳| 合川市| 平阳县| 东乡县| 定州市| 南澳县| 永定县| 商都县| 新巴尔虎右旗| 白山市| 木兰县| 庆城县| 渭南市| 玉环县| 家居| 达孜县| 綦江县| 邯郸市| 宜兴市| 石家庄市| 峡江县| 巴里| 福泉市| 儋州市| 西宁市| 米脂县| 平遥县| 鸡西市| 遂平县| 彰化市| 沐川县| 元江| 马尔康县| 新民市| 内江市| 乌拉特前旗| 迁安市|